Resources for Parents » Resources for Parents

Resources for Parents

Before you begin to look for a solution for your child's tech issue, have you RESTARTED their device?  Restarting devices takes care of 75% of the tech issues that we see in our IT Department.
After you have restarted your child's device, visit this General Tech Support document to see if the issue you are having is documented here.
You can also click on any of the buttons to the left to find a resource that may help you with one of our district-supported devices or programs.
Mentor Schools has instituted many layers of safety to keep all of our stakeholders safe while using district-issued technology. Below, you will find information on these layers of protection.  
Cybersecurity is vital in safeguarding our district's security and communication channels. Collaborating closely with the Filament Essential Service team and NEOnet, we continue to enhance our adherence to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. To ensure our staff's proficiency, all employees must complete cybersecurity training. This collective effort underscores the importance of cybersecurity and data privacy, which are seamlessly integrated into our district's everyday operations.
Securly provides web filtering and student safety solutions for Mentor Public Schools. Securly allows the district to monitor students' online activities, protect against harmful content, and enforce internet usage policies. The district uses Securly for content filtering for school-owned devices, as well as solutions for monitoring content on the devices to detect signs of self-harm or cyberbullying. The Mentor Public Schools aims to create a safer and more productive digital learning environment for students.
The following Acts and Amendment provide students and parents certain rights and protections.  
FERPA - The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a U.S. federal law enacted in 1974 that protects the privacy of student education records. It gives parents the right to access their children's education records, seeks to have the records amended and exercise some control over disclosing personally identifiable information from the records. When a student turns 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level, these rights transfer to the student.
COPPA - The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is a U.S. federal law enacted in 1998 designed to protect the privacy of children under 13 years old online. It requires websites and online services to obtain verifiable parental consent before collecting, using, or disclosing personal information from children. COPPA also mandates that privacy policies detail the information practices and that parents have the ability to review and delete their children's information.
CIPA - The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is a U.S. federal law enacted in 2000 that aims to protect minors from harmful online content. It requires schools and libraries receiving federal funding for internet access to implement internet safety policies, including technology protection measures that block or filter access to inappropriate material. Additionally, CIPA mandates the monitoring of minors' online activities and the education of students about appropriate online behavior and cyberbullying prevention.
PPRA - The Pupil Protection Rights Amendment (PPRA) is a U.S. federal law that grants parents certain rights regarding their children's participation in surveys, the collection of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. Schools are required to obtain parental consent before students are required to participate in surveys funded by the U.S. Department of Education that reveal sensitive information, such as political beliefs, mental health, or sexual behavior. The PPRA also mandates that parents be informed and allowed to inspect any instructional material used in the educational curriculum.
As part of our process to comply with federal laws and ensure entities outside of the Mentor Public Schools are COPPA and FERPA compliant, our district has been working with the Student Data Privacy Consortium to help secure Ohio-National Data Privacy Agreements (OH-NDPA) with all of our vendors that collect Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
You can find a listing of all the approved and non-approved online resources on our customized agreement listing site.
As our reliance on technology continues to grow, ensuring the security of our digital data becomes increasingly important. Here are some essential tips to help keep your family's digital information secure. These guidelines will protect your children's educational data and safeguard your personal information.
Password Security
  1. Strong Passwords: Encourage the use of strong, unique passwords for all accounts. A strong password typically includes a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  2. Password Managers: Consider using a password manager to store and generate complex passwords. This tool can help manage multiple accounts without the need to remember each password.
  3. Regular Updates: Change passwords regularly and avoid reusing old passwords across different sites.'
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  1. Enable MFA: Wherever possible, enable multi-factor authentication on your accounts. MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification (such as a text message code or authentication app) in addition to your password.
  2. Educate Your Family: Explain the importance of MFA to your children and assist them in setting it up on their devices and accounts.
Phishing Awareness
  1. Recognize Phishing Attempts: Teach your family to recognize common signs of phishing, such as suspicious emails, messages, or links from unknown sources. Phishing attempts often aim to steal personal information by masquerading as trustworthy entities.
  2. Verify Sources: Always verify the source before clicking on links or downloading attachments, especially if the message seems urgent or unusual.
Home Network Security
  1. Secure Wi-Fi Network: Ensure your home Wi-Fi network is secured with a strong password and encryption. Follow the password security standards mentioned abouve for access to your Wi-Fi network.
By following these guidelines, you can significantly enhance the security of your family's digital environment. Staying vigilant and proactive in these areas will help protect sensitive information and provide a safer online experience for everyone in your household.