District Technology Plan » Goals / Action Steps

Goals / Action Steps

Mentor Public Schools

District Technology Plan

(Please find the full detailed Mentor Schools’ Tech Plan on our website)

Classroom Instruction

Goal: Develop students’ technology skills to support and build their digital literacy.

Action Steps

  1. Provide students with the opportunity to strengthen their ability to communicate, collaborate, create, and think critically through technology.  
  2. Support student awareness and understanding of how technology affects their academic experience
  3. Provide students opportunities to experience learning with and through varying levels of technology.
  4. Participate in 5 digital citizenship lessons each school year that are age/grade appropriate, focusing on Digital Literacy, Internet Safety, Creative Credit and Digital Footprint.

Professional Learning

Goal: Develop teachers’ knowledge and skills to integrate technology into their instruction effectively.

Action Steps

  1. Provide multiple, differentiated, and targeted opportunities for professional development to support best practices.
  2. Support the integration of technology in the classroom through job-embedded professional learning.
  3. Provide staff with a menu of technological options to support student learning.
  4. Support consistently implementing and using a Learning Management System (LMS) at all grade levels to maximize learning and reduce printing costs.
  5. Provide training on digital citizenship to all staff members and implement grade-level lessons for all students in K-12th grade.


Goal: Provide and maintain infrastructure, technology, and data systems to support all staff and students.

Action Steps

  1. Maintain a suitable, secure, robust, and reliable infrastructure that enables a consistent experience for all users.
  2. Research, evaluate, and implement appropriate educational technologies for effective teaching and learning.
  3. Improve interoperability of data sources and systems throughout the district to enable maximum proficiency.

     4.  Update and maintain district-wide device purchasing projection